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Checking licenses...

From time to time we have to spend time on checking serial numbers. We search with a few search engines, we check a couple of forums and download tons of applications.
To give you a few statistics of todays search: We downloaded 827 popular applications. After unpacking, we found 744 applications. Some archives failed to download, some failed to unpack and some do not contain applications. But from those 744 applications, we got 93 applications made with REAL Studio. That's 12.5% in this sample and I think it got more compared to my last search.
From that 93 REAL Studio made applications, we found 50 using our plugins. That's more than half, but for statistics, it's a too small sample.

Sadly we found one application using an unknown serial number. Seems like someone hacked the plugins!? Well, we will have to think about consequences on this case. The biggest plugin in space... Used tags:
05 09 10 - 22:36